by Daisy Magnum
March 26, 2018March 27, 2018
A lot of people have always queried the importance of eating poultry eggs. But over time, it has been seen that it has peculiar properties that the body needs to function properly. This article highlights the advantages the human body has after consuming two (or at most three) eggs a day.
The number of vitamins, minerals and proteins eggs gives us is quite amazing considering its amount and size. Consuming eggs is very vital to the human body. The yolk and the egg white taste differently and perform different functions in keeping the body whole.
Here is the list of health benefits of eating eggs:
- Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
Contrary to popular opinion, latest research has shown that eggs also contain phosphatides which balance the effect of cholesterol that a lot of people fear. It also helps to check the level of cholesterol produced by the body. Levels of triglyceride are also reduced by omega-3 acids which the egg contains, thus reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders.
- Protection of the Liver, Skin, and Hair
Chicken eggs have phospholipids that help to detoxify internal organs like the lever. Vitamin B12, Biotin, and digestible proteins help to maintain the skin, making it clear and smooth whilst giving the hair very nice texture.
- Brain Protection
It has been scientifically proven that phospholipids, which also has choline, it is the element that makes sure brain cells are communicating, and also the most fundamental property of which the brain is built on. If someone consumes up to 2 eggs a day, the person gets this particular nutrient. Memory loss is as a result of inadequate choline. This can be avoided by taking eggs every day.
- Reduces the Risk of Cancer
The primary property which carries out this function is choline. It has been proven that women who included eggs in their diet daily when they were teenagers have about 18% decrease in the risk of getting breast cancer.
- Better Eyesight
Poultry eggs contain lutein as latest studies have shown. Lutein is necessary for giving the eyes better and clearer sight. If there is a decline in the level of lutein in the body, there is a general deterioration of tissues and eyesight becomes weak and blurry. Eating eggs also help to reduce cataracts in old age. Cataracts are a blurring of the lens of the human eye which leads to a deficiency in eyesight.
- Calcium Retention
The composition of vitamin D in a spoonful of fish oil and hardboiled egg is relatively the same thing, although people will choose to eat boiled eggs over taking fish oil. Calcium helps to strengthen the teeth and bones and vitamin D helps to retain this calcium. Scientists have even increased the amount of vitamin D produced by eggs by giving layers’ supplements in their diet.
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- Moderates the Aging Processes
A study was carried out on people who ate 2 eggs a day in the Netherlands. Wrinkles on the foreheads and around the eyes of men who ate eggs daily smoothened visibly and about 87% of women around the ages of 35 to 40 years that had eggs included in their diet had better and clearer skins. Their pimples and acne were seen to disappear visibly.
- Weight Loss
If you add egg consumption with small calorie diets for breakfast, your weight loss comes twice as fast as it should. So has studies shown by American scientists. This kind of breakfast holds you for a long time thereby helping you reduce the quantity of food you eat, keeping you full all day and helping you lose weight quickly.
- Child Planning
Folic acid, also called vitamin B9, helps in the formation of sex hormones and one egg contains about 7 micrograms of it. It is also important in the formation of the neural line and red blood cells of the fetus, thereby reducing the risk of a child developing mental issues. Vitamin B9 is therefore very important for women who are expecting babies.
- Amino Acids
Eggs contain all the necessary amino acids needed for the human health. The body requires a whole lot of these organic compounds to function properly.
- Increases Iron Efficiency
Iron is very important for the formation of red blood cell production. Adding iron to the diet of women who are pregnant or on their period is quite essential. Eggs contain more iron as compared to a lot of other foods. Dizziness, dull skin, and tiredness are all signs of inadequate iron in the body.
- Energy Building
Eggs can be consumed after a workout to replenish the energy level lost. Eggs also contain the required nutrients needed for the development of energy at the cellular level.
- Increases High-Density Lipoprotein Levels
High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) are intricate particles consisting of multiple proteins which are necessary for transporting fatty molecules in and around the body, outside the cell walls. High-Density Lipoprotein is usually referred to as good cholesterol. People with low High-Density Lipoprotein levels should add 2 eggs a day to their diets so that their cholesterol level can be boosted.
- Nutrient Absorption
Eating eggs not only produces nutrients. They also help the body to retain the nutrients it produces. A recent study has shown that the vitamins obtained from consuming vegetables and salads are absorbed quickly when there is an egg in the recipe. Eggs are fat dissolving in nature.
- Inflammatory Restrictions
Inflammation is highly associated with issues like cancer, diabetes, heart conditions and so on. There is, however, about half a carb per egg. Studies have proven that carb restraining foods can help to reduce inflammation to the barest minimum.
- Checkmates the Risk of Getting Stroke
Studies have shown that people who eat an average of two eggs per day have a reduced chance of getting a stroke than those who eat less. Eggs have no traceable effect on the risk of having Coronary Heart Diseases (CHD). Instead, it caused at least 12 percent reduction in the rate of having the stroke.
- Cheap Protein
Apart from beans, an egg is by far one of the cheapest sources of protein. As compared to other sources like milk, cheese, yogurt, seafood, white meat, beef, and pork, we will spend more to achieve the level of benefits we enjoy from eggs if we are to get them from other sources of protein.
- Contains Important Minerals
Eggs do not only provide essential minerals like vitamin B and D. They also are a major producer of trace minerals. These trace minerals are important to the body although the body only requires a small quantity. These minerals include molybdenum, copper, fluoride, zinc, chlorine and many others.
- Muscular Development
Eating two eggs per day is really necessary for the muscles. The cholesterol and proteins the egg produces help for muscle growth and development. Consuming one part of the egg over another, like the yoke over the egg white is not correct. The whole part of the egg is necessary for the development of the muscle.
- Versatility in Preparation
You can eat eggs alone or combine with a great variety of foods to achieve desired results. These include breaded eggs, creampies, puffs, custards, eggnogs, egg rolls, egg sauce, pasta, meatloaf, salad dressings, fizzes, soup, frostings, mayonnaise, waffles and so on. Bearing this in mind, there is always a reason to add at least two eggs to our meal daily.
- Wide Range of Nutritional Values
A large sized egg amounts to the 6g content of protein, about 0.6 carbs and 78 calories. The other nutrients an egg contains are vitamin A, B2, B5, B6 B12 and vitamin E. It also contains other nutrients which are biotin, iron, folic acid, choline, and selenium. These nutrients are essential to the human body.
- Reduces High Blood Pressure
Eggs also contain peptides. Peptides are short links of amino acids which are very important in checkmating high blood pressure and its effects. Eating two to three eggs a day can really help to achieve this.
- Eggs Decrease Stress
Consuming two to three eggs per day can help to reduce oxidative stress. Selenium is the macronutrient that combats this oxidative stress. It does this by creating a balance on the body’s ability to detoxify easily.
Eating two or three eggs per day or adding it to our meal can really improve our health. It is very important that we start adopting this pattern so as to live healthy lives. Though eggs are nutritious, we also need to make sure that they prepared properly so as to get the best from them.