Book Review: The Wish list; thoughts that can shape society

The Wish list; thoughts that can shape society, a book written by Georgina Asare Fiagbenu is a mindblowing collection of thoughts concerning the development of Ghana. The book talks about the people, places, personalities, Businesses, the society, practices, attitudes and the all encompassing issue of leadership. Not only does it lay down the serious issues that have this country by the jugular but also profers solutions to these problems.
Reading this book will also lead you to question what our dreams are as a collective and generate a sense of awareness about how our individual dreams sync with the National dream.
The Wish List questions our independence and how useful it has been in propelling the nation and her people to greater heights of success. It also addresses the issue of our local governance system, and perennial problems including floods.
The author dedicates a whole chapter interwoven with a lot of emotions to issues on our roads and our road infrastructure. Unannounced and or unauthorized roadblocks, broken down cars and trucks on the roads, incompetence of some police traffic directors, broken down traffic lights, and a lack of proper maintenance of existing road infrastructure are highlighted in the book.
Other exciting chapters of the book cover wide-ranging issues like mob actions, the potential of coconut to Ghana’s economy, emergency response in Ghana, child labour, etc.
The book also zooms in on specific personalities in the country who it mentions by name and also certain key professions.
With endorsements from some of the top brains in the country and very short but interesting chapters, the wish list; thoughts that can shape society is a must-read for every Ghanaian or person hoping to have anything to do with the country.
Contact the author on 0244 304545 for copies of the book.
By Bernard Elikem Buachi