Written By Mr. & Mrs. Boandoh-Korkor

The problem with many Christian Entrepreneurs and business people today is their failure to see business as a calling. God will not call anyone to do business just to be able to look after his wife and children. God has a greater agenda than that! Recent research indicates that many Christians are yet to rediscover business from a biblical perspective and, fail to recognize what Jesus taught that business can be an important way to build the kingdom of God on earth. Today, it is very disheartening that billions of dollars are currently in the hands of godless entrepreneurs, business leaders and other corrupt organizations whose hidden agenda is to shut down the preaching of the Gospel. However, in these days it is evident that God is anointing men and women to go into business, plunder the wealth of the sinners and use the spoils for the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
It is evident that business and entrepreneurship can be an effective vehicle not only to meet our own needs and that of shareholders but as a means of underwriting world evangelization. It is unfortunate that we live in a generation where many of us Entrepreneurs, make our success so personal that it crowds the Kingdom agenda and more so, we neglect to translate our success into stewardship to glorify God and His people. Indeed, God must be disappointed in making many wealthy in the first place!
Whilst focusing on the core business as an entrepreneur in your chosen field, remember to set aside, at least ten percent of the profits to make the world a better and a more divine place. This approach is good for business because, it attracts additional divine enablement that brings more success in its stead. Successful spiritual entrepreneurs understand that fervent and effective praying, regularly giving to charity, and helping, encouraging and growing others releases a certain favour that brings tremendous growth to the enterprise. This is a secret many are yet to discover!
Is there a place for spirituality in the workplace? Executives from Silicon Valley to Boston tell how they twine their business leadership with religious and personal values.
Stories emerged recently from three panel sessions at the Möbius Leadership Forum, held April 11-12, 2002. The conference explored issues of leadership, values, and spirituality in business. According to Ricardo Levy, chairman of Catalytica Energy Systems, executives are trained for action—contemplation is not part of their rulebook. In his own career, however, he discovered the need for spiritual guidance in crucial decisions, especially those that affect other people such as employees, he said.
Gregory Slayton (HBS MBA ‘90), chairman of ClickAction Inc., said his beliefs are never far from his office. Literally. He reads the Bible at work, and employees will sometimes drop in on him while he is praying. “That shouldn’t bother anyone,” Slayton said. “It’s how I stay in balance.” He said the value he most often uses at work is the Golden Rule, the principle that people should do unto others as they would have others do unto them. For example, when layoffs were necessary, he was upfront and honest with employees about what was happening and why. “You’d be surprised at how my basic Christian principles are effective in a business setting,” Slayton said. Honesty, for example, is important for any leader, although it can get you in trouble. “Sometimes you’ll pay the price [because] some people don’t want to hear it.”
Whiles we make the effort to bring Christ to the workplace, we must maintain order and discipline. Spirituality should never become an excuse for incompetence. Being spiritual is not the only way to business success. In plain words, having regular morning devotions in your office and having the most anointed Prophets to pray there every month is not a guarantee that you will do well in business. You must work hard and apply international business principles on customer service, human relations, information technology etc to ensure you remain on top of your game. This subject of work and spirituality has been dealt with exclusively in our upcoming book titled “Financial Evangelism.
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