Ghanaian DJ and General Manager for YFM-Kumasi has questioned why industry awards should be won via voting.
For him, it is not a fair approach to allow folks to vote for an award.
“Does it mean that the one with more money wins? I have a problem with that. You don’t sit somewhere, vote and win an award” he told Bernard Buachi of www.rawgist.com and www.ghanagong.com in an exclusive interview.
Nathaniel Osei Kufour, who is also known in showbiz as DJ Mahony suggested that “there should be an academy of people well vested in the profession to decide who deserves an award”.
He says he has always had issues with the “vote and win” kind of awards since he is sure it does not reflect performance and does not enhance industry standards because usually, the person with more money and friends tends to win.
Meanwhile, DJ Mahoney, who has been commenting on entertainment industry related issues a lot recently also vented his spleen on entertainment sector entrepreneurs saying that entertainment in Kumasi is not doing so well because they have failed over the years and are still failing to do long-term investments in the sector, especially in the Ashanti region.
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