Some aggrieved customers of defunct GN Bank, belonging to Ghanaian politician and businessman, Papa Kwesi Ndoum, have demanded their cash deposits with the companies.
The angry customers had besieged the KNUST branch of the now savings and loans company, Thursday morning to request their deposits locked up for several months.
Some customers have threatened to demonstrate against the financial institution.
One customer who spoke to www.ghanagong.com said he is disappointed at leadership of the country for not intervening to ensure they get their monies from GN Bank where their salaries are channeled. He said he has been plunged into untold hardship because he does not get access to his money. “I only got two hundred cedis for the whole month of January despite the fact that I have considerable money stuck there” he said.
Various customers of the bank took turns to speak against the treatment they are receiving from the bank and how it is affecting their lives adversely.
They called on Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom; the founder of the Bank to see to it that they receive their money or face their wrath.
The Bank of Ghana earlier this month downgraded GN Bank to a savings and loans company.
This was after the Central Bank finished what it describes as the banking resolution requiring each commercial bank operating in the country to have a minimum capital of ¢400 million.
Governor of the Central Bank; Dr. Ernest Addison revealed a press conference that GN Bank (GN) was unable to comply with the Minimum Capital Directive by 31st December 2018. “Consequently, GN Bank has applied for, and the Bank of Ghana has approved the grant of a savings and loans company licence. The Bank of Ghana has also approved a transition plan submitted by GN for winding down aspects of its business which are not compatible with a savings and loans company licence,” he said.
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