General Overseer of CCC; Pastor Ransford Obeng

The General Overseer of Calvary Charismatic Center (CCC), Reverend Ransford Obeng says God’s salvation for mankind encompasses wholeness of the body, soul and mind.

According to him, apart from the saving of souls from damnation the same God wishes that all his creation become sound in their bodies and mind.

Speaking to the church’s congregation at Ayigya, a suburb in Kumasi and quoting the Holy Scripture from Psalm 103 verses 1-3, Rev. Ransford Obeng stressed that healing is part of God’s salvation for mankind.

He noted that Christ Jesus on the cross of Calvary purchased the redemption and healing of all mankind, adding nothing was left unattended to by his death.

‘’Some Christians believe Christ came to die for their sins but they do not trust him to heal them when they are sick forgetting that the death of Christ on the cross of Calvary provides solution for all of life’s problems including sickness’’, Rev Obeng.


The CCC leader tasked the church to go to God in confidence and claim their healing anytime they get sick or suffer from any ailment or disease.

The Bible in the book of James, Rev Obeng indicated asks church members to ask for prayer from their spiritual heads anytime they are sick.

He noted God wishes to heal everyone who asks him for same, adding by the stripes of Christ on the cross of Calvary the healing of mankind was purchased.

What believers need to do, the CCC leader admonished is to take God at his word and trust him to fulfill same to them anytime they pray.

‘’The Bible teaches us to pray for the sick and they shall recover and knowing how recovery takes place no one should panic when he or she does not get instant healing because healing at times is gradual’’, the CCC Head Pastor noted.


Rev Obeng posited that God’s word is too potent to fail, adding God watches over his word to perform same.

Those who study the word of God, Rev Obeng revealed will have the potential to generate so much faith to apply when praying.

According to the CCC Overseer, the more word one has in him or her, the more potent one’s prayer will becomes since every line of prayer will have God’s word quoted back to him.

This, he revealed binds God to deploy answers to prayer because what he specializes in doing is to fulfill his word or promise anytime his children mention same.

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