Rapper Cabum says music made in Kumasi is going nowhere if musicians and event organizers continue to treat each other the way they are currently doing.
Frank Kwame Gyasi- Frimpong says Kumasi-based musicians are not united and do not support each other. He accuses rappers in the Garden City of Ghana of operating on ego as opposed to love. “Without love, we cannot appreciate each other” he stressed.
“Some Kumasi artistes are fake. Check out how the Accra based stars hype each other. It doesn’t happen here in Kumasi. They will not even appreciate it when you help them.”
He did not spare event organizers who “expect artistes to fly themselves to perform on their platforms for free”. “I am even sorry for the upcoming artistes, theirs is even worse” he said in relation to exploitation by Kumasi based event organizers.
The Yebe Huri Wall hit maker advises a change in attitude such that musicians support each other to succeed.
Cabum, who was speaking to Kwame Scientific on YFM-Kumasi also resolved to stop pleasing people and start pleasing himself. “This time around, we are coming like the Old Promzy” he said referring to some of his earlier posts on social media. “Every follower of the industry knows how Promzy used to be back then…that’s how we are going to roll” he said.
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