The Chief Executive officer of Boris B’s farms and veterinary services is calling on the Bank of Ghana to revise existing policies and regulatory framework to make it more favorable for Ghanaian agribusinesses.
Dr. Boris Baidoo who was speaking on Oyerepa FM Wednesday morning insisted the Central Bank’s policies are inimical to the well-being of agribusinesses with a special emphasis on poultry.
In the interview, Dr. Baidoo was so frustrated that he rained curses on the officials of the Central Bank for their failure to support the growth of the poultry industry.
“…if you are a worker at the Bank of Ghana and it is not in your interest to protect and project the local poultry industry, and you sit here and consume local eggs, I hold in my hands eggs, that if you buy eggs and chicken to consume, the effect will be on you’’ he cried.
‘’We have to develop our country, all poultry farms are collapsing as a result of poor policy direction from the bank of Ghana and commercial banks”, he stressed.
He accused some banks of sourcing funds from International Banks for agricultural purposes and then use same for other things but agriculture adding that even when they do, “they go for relaxed loans under the pretext of lending to it agriculture players for agriculture activities, but they tend to commercialize it with high-interest rates to the farmers”.
He said farmers are tired of sitting aloof over the bad treatment being dished to them by the BoG and promised that the farmers will mount intense pressure on the Bank of Ghana to change its policies towards the local industry.
“Why are we killing our business ourselves, I mean the BOG should sit up, we cannot sit here and suffer. Enough is enough under this policy direction of the BoG”, he emphasized.
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I know the poultry farmers have an Association in the country and I also know for a fact that Boris B is a stalwart in the NPP and knows whom to see and discuss the subject matter with for a redress of the situation. I would therefore like to appeal to Boris to consult the right people to help redress the problem.This is better than the radio talk show.It is a serious issue which should be addressed to the people who matter.