It’s that time again, the day most people dread, Monday morning. The weekend is officially over, your alarm clock is just getting into a five-days groove and It’s not merely the transition from playtime to work and or to school. Many of us stay up late on weekend nights and sleep during the day, messing up our sleep pattern and making us grumpy and irritable when the alarm goes off on Monday morning, which goes along way to affect our entire day or even the week.
Here are some tips on how you can reverse the trend and set yourself up to have a positive and healthy start to the week.
Plan Your Mondays On Friday Evenings
Friday, the end of the week may be a cause to celebrate, but don’t make it official until you have created your to-do list for Monday. With this list waiting on Monday, you may be more productive and have an easier time focusing.
Get Up A Bit Earlier On Monday Mornings
Try getting up 20 minutes earlier and slow your morning routine down, which allows you to ease into the day. I have to admit, this will definitely be harder to do and way more unlikely. Use the extra time to either exercise, read a book, watch TV or just lie in bed and scroll through your phone.
Eat Breakfast
Yes! Yes! Yes! Don’t skip breakfast even if you are not a breakfast person like myself. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it helps boost your mood aside the nutritional value and mental benefits.
Grab your cereal bowl or your cup and start preparing your breakfast to face the day.
Monday Motivational Playlist
Music can instantly enhance your mood through evocative lyrics or positive associations. So, before you let the dread of Monday kick in, listen to your favorite songs that inspires and uplift your spirit, as you prepare for the day and during the day to give you positive thoughts. #MondayMotivationalplaylist to pick yourself up.
Monday Slayer!!
This is my favorite tip of all. To better your mood, choose bright colors, your favorite fabrics or prints, or a brand you feel great about, basically any outfit that makes you feel like the boss. Just make sure you don’t over dress…Lol. I personally like to pick out my outfit the night before so I avoid a wardrobe crisis on a Monday morning.
Stay Hydrated
We find it easy to stay hydrated during our work week. For the workaholics, this is the ‘normal’ routine. But, we feel a little lazy to stay hydrated on the weekend. So, if you are feeling inactive on Monday mornings, drink a glass of water and allow it do it magic. Remember water is life.
Mondays may not be able to buy you happiness, but money can so get out of bed and have a productive Monday.
Thank you
Very useful ?
Insightful information
Good one there
This is good ?
Great piece
Very helpful